Configurations under “File > Settings”

  • Languages & Frameworks:

    • PHP => PHP Language Level = 7.2
  • Appearance & Behaviour

    • Appearance => Theme => Darcula
    • Appearance => Use custom font, Deja Vu Sans Mono, size 15 (this is the font of the UI, not code)
    • Appearance => Presentation mode Font Size => 36
  • Editor

    • General => (check) “Change font size with Ctrl+Mouse wheel”
    • General => (check) “Soft-wrap these files” (md, txt)
    • General => (un-check) “Rich Text Copy: Copy as Rich Text”
    • General => Appearance => “Use Block Caret” (more similar to Vim)
    • Font => Font = “Deja Vu Mono”
    • Font => Font Size = 16
    • Colour Scheme => General => Scheme = Twilight
    • Colour Scheme => General => Scheme => Code => Line number, Foreground = #8B8B8B (grey)